A Guide to choose between Dedicated vs. Extended Team For IT Projects

For Businesses and Enterprises around the world, outsourcing models like Extended Teams, Staff Augmentation, and Dedicated Teams have proved to be useful in the dynamic business environment where things are constantly changing. It is a system where professionals take care of everything from optimizing project time and reducing costs along with boosting operational productivity, allowing you to concentrate on the core of your business while they take care of the technical side. For the same reason, many businesses outsource their IT operations to a third party or hire specialized developers for their web development or app development projects.

The IT outsourcing sector continues to be at the forefront with a projected growth rate of 10.99%. This sector is expected to reach a turnover of $512.50 billion in 2024 and reach a remarkable $777.70 billion by 2028, according to Statista. That's right, ladies and gentlemen; there are a ton of potential clients for IT outsourcing companies to serve in the years to come, therefore the industry will keep shining effectively and boldly.

Leveraging digital technology is one of the most vital tasks business enterprises need to accomplish in today's world. Furthermore, IT businesses find it challenging to staff an in-house development team as the demand for software engineers increases. Put simply, it demands a lot of effort and cash to discover the most suitable candidate with the required skills and in-depth knowledge. Models like staff augmentation, extended teams, and specialized teams might come in helpful during these times. Each of the three choices has advantages, disadvantages, and information that will help you in selecting the one that best suits the needs of your business.

What is a Dedicated Team? How does it Function?

Dedicated teams, as the term indicates, are external teams hired for specific assignments or talents. The dedicated team is hired for an extended amount of time and in accordance with the project parameters. It addresses the development of websites and development of apps commercially. A dedicated team model consists of the developer and testing team, the customer, the outsourced company, and the employee.

The professionals on the committed team are selected with regard to the expertise and skill sets which the clients demand. The customer has the option of assigning project management duties to the hired team or taking charge of the team themselves. When the project scope is flexible and needs may be altered as the project is being developed, a dedicated development team is the best choice. The end goal of this approach is to build a team that can compensate for any gaps in knowledge and function as a cohesive unit under your leadership.

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Types Of Dedicated Teams

There are two variants of the Dedicated Team Model: Internal and External.

In the External Dedicated Team Model, you collaborate with an outside organization or service provider who sets together a team that is specific to the requirements of your project. This group dedicates all of their efforts to your project, providing resources and experience without the added cost of recruiting full-time staff. For example, if your business needs to create a mobile application, you may hire a software development company to provide you with a committed team of designers, developers, and testers.

On the other hand, the Internal Dedicated Team Model involves forming a dedicated team within your organization. This team operates like an in-house department, focusing solely on the designated project or task. For example, a large corporation aiming to revamp its digital infrastructure might establish an internal dedicated team comprising IT specialists, project managers, and UX/UI designers to handle the transformation.

Both models offer flexibility, control, and scalability, allowing businesses to efficiently tackle complex projects while optimizing resource allocation.

Benefits On Hiring A Dedicated Team

Employing a dedicated team is an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes since it offers several advantages. First of all, it eliminates the headache of hiring by giving access to a pool of specialized personnel. You may put together a dream team that is exactly suited to your project requirements, regardless of whether you need developers, designers, marketers, or project managers. Moreover, committed teams provide flexibility, enabling you to scale resources up or down in accordance with project requirements, guaranteeing maximum effectiveness and monetary savings. These teams also promote smooth communication and cohesive teamwork, which boosts output and creativity. When you work with a dedicated team, you have complete control and visibility over the project's development, schedule, and results, which gives you the freedom to make choices and modifications as needed. Moreover, committed teams frequently provide new perspectives and concepts, enhancing the project with a variety of skills and experiences.

Ultimately, hiring a dedicated team streamlines operations, accelerates project delivery, and enhances overall business agility, setting you up for success in today's dynamic marketplace. To put it simply, any company benefits significantly from a managed team model because of the below benefits:

1) Acquire Clear Management

Transparency is one of the most important flaws particularly when it comes to conventional outsourcing strategies. With a committed team behind you, you'll always have access to feedback, which will enable you to quickly and efficiently make modifications to the projects.

2) Longer Partnership

Another benefit of having a committed team is the potential of continuous integration. It is a crucial component for long-term projects that require ongoing evolution and the addition of new features. To make a change, all you need to do is suggest one; the rest is just supervision.

3) Commitment and Unwavering Care

You cannot ensure complete attention while working with freelancers, right? However, you might choose a person who has the highest level of dedication when it comes to committed teams. A formal agreement states that the team member is only allowed to work on your project and no other. The process will provide a closer working relationship and boost output within the team.

4) Minimum Project Costs

Cost effectiveness is one of the main advantages of having a committed staff. You could recruit full-time personnel for less money than you would have if you had hired an in-house developer.

5) Full Authority and Being Transparent

You can maintain complete control over the project's direction, schedule, and results. This gives you the ability to decide wisely and make necessary changes to ensure the project's success. With Budventure Technologies, you get the authority to track your project progress at any time as our talented pool of dedicated developers are committed to provide transparent communications. Get in touch with us to hire developers as per your project needs, once you’ve checked out our engagement models.

6) Better Productivity and Efficiency:

Dedicated teams create an environment that is conducive to communication and collaboration, which boosts productivity and guarantees on-time project delivery.

When Should The Dedicated Team Model Be Used?

When there are ongoing, scalable initiatives and businesses don't have the time or resources to recruit experts on staff, the dedicated team model functions well. Now that you have a clearer understanding of the dedicated team model and its advantages, allow us to guide you when to choose it:

  • For ongoing, long-term initiatives that change over time and might last forever.
  • When hiring local developers is not within the price range or you just don't have the time.
  • When you don't have leadership or software project management expertise.
  • To manage fluctuating workloads, allowing you to scale resources up or down as needed without the constraints of hiring or layoffs.
  • For projects requiring fast-paced development and deployment, ensuring agile responses to market demands.
  • To mitigate risks associated with project delays, resource shortages, or unexpected challenges by ensuring dedicated attention and resources.

Now, let us understand what an Extended Team Model is, its applications, advantages, and the outcome of using it in an efficient way.

What is an Extended Team and How Does It Function?

The extended team combines an external team with skills to assist you in software development with a bigger or already-existing in-house team. In basic terms, an extended team model is an additional pair of hands for your internal staff. For a particular period of time, the extended team enhances the knowledge or capabilities of the internal team. Additionally, the group develops software development capabilities and uses their technical expertise to unleash the potential of new or ongoing projects. In summary, the extended team will act as the internal team's right hand, offering their skill set to specific project completion.

It is a type of outsourcing methodology where the in-house and external teams must work together, communicate, and be closer to one another. This method allows you to retain ownership of the development process while rapidly and affordably increasing your capacity for software development. A variety of projects, from small-scale initiatives to large-scale business software development, can benefit from the extended team approach. It helps businesses who need to significantly increase their capacity for development but lack the manpower or resources to do it internally.

You can use the knowledge and abilities of our skilled-extended team to meet your development objectives and stay within your budget by collaborating with a broadened team. Wish to learn more about the same and upscale your team for a project? Reach out to us and let’s embark on a project together!

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Benefits of Hiring A Extended Team

An expanded team is the greatest asset when it pertains to taking on challenging tasks and fulfilling strict deadlines. Adding members to your team entails extending your resources and talents outside of your organization. It's similar to assembling a group of superheroes, with each member contributing special abilities to the equation. An extended team gives you access to a wide range of talent that provides specialized knowledge and abilities catering to the requirements of your project.

Working together to achieve the same objective fosters creativity and synergy. Furthermore, being able to scale resources up or down guarantees that you'll always be prepared to take on new problems. Not to mention the additional productivity and efficiency gain that results from distributing the task among a committed group of professionals. Hiring an extended team is really about increasing your potential for success rather than merely your staff.

The extended team approach helps businesses who want to swiftly expand their talent pool in an array of ways. Let us take a look at the advantages of having an extended development team onboard with you:-

1) Promotes Your Team

By training them with new skills and keeping them updated on market trends, the team extension model approach maximizes the benefits of having an outsourced team for internal teams. They can later be used internally to impart what they have discovered to others.

2) Scalability

The extended model is definitely the winner when it comes to scalability. Although a dedicated team model offers flexibility in terms of process and resource flexibility, quick modifications may be limited by its long-term commitment. On the other hand, a committed team readily changes its size, but this adaptability is limited to a set period of time according to demand. You may easily scale resources up or down with knowledgeable specialists and an extended team, distributing resources based on the demands of the project.

3) Saves Time

It's important to keep in mind that finding outstanding IT expertise is a difficult endeavor. The expanded team model, however, is not identical. An instantly available, plug-and-play IT development staff will always be at your service.

4) Procedures and Technology

Both extended and dedicated teams excel in terms of procedures and equipment. Thanks to predefined duties and team structure, a dedicated group follows a well-defined procedure, guaranteeing seamless work efficiency and internal communication. In contrast, the expanded workforce gives this smooth process a further level of flexibility by shaping it to fit the changing needs of the company.

Dedicated groups make use of a range of communication platforms, like Slack or JIRA, to support both waterfall and agile project management techniques. Similarly, to facilitate smooth communication over physical distances, extended teams make use of a variety of project management solutions, such as document-sharing platforms, video conferencing, and collaborative tools.

5) Offers Expandable Development Potential

Your extended team will need to adapt if your project does. It achieves the same result by scaling up or down in line with your project's requirements. By growing your development staff, you'll create a nurturing environment in addition to opening yourself up to growth, improved features, and product expansion.

When Is the Extended Team Model Beneficial?

The extended team model is what we refer to as standard outsourcing, and are quite comparable. Again, there are a few variations that make it a superior choice for certain businesses. When does the extended team model function best? Let us have a look at key pointers for the same.

  • The original crew is still available to help you and provide updates as you grow your product in the future.
  • Since the project is fresh for your business, you don't need to have your internal team's focus altered.
  • You require specialists that your local market does not provide.
  • The abilities you require aren't being offered by the market at a fair price.

If you currently have a development staff and would want to add someone with experience in long-term projects, your company can benefit significantly from this approach. If you do not yet have on-site staff, you may also employ for the IT front-end development team and the back-end development team in perspective to the IT project needs.

The IT staff augmentation model includes both dedicated teams and extended teams, yet they differ significantly from one another. Therefore, knowing which team models to hire when is necessary.

When Should a Dedicated Team Model Be Hired?

There are certain scenarios that will help you in understanding, when to Hire the Dedicated Team, which outlays the best-case solution for your project.

If you are a startup that is projected to expand, it would be more knowledgeable to hire a dedicated team model. They swiftly create a team and avoid paying for an internal staff to create the product, thanks to this approach. They may then concentrate on other crucial duties, including branding or promoting their products. Above all, since they won't have to hire an entire in-house team, hiring a dedicated team model will be more affordable for the startup businesses.

A medium-sized company that wants to avoid overtaxing its own teams or has complicated, long-term projects may choose to employ a specialized software development team to fill up skill gaps. They may retain knowledge and scale over the long run when they recruit a committed staff.

If a big business wants to introduce an innovative product or investigate new markets, they would rather hire a specialized workforce. Companies who wish to effectively integrate a new firm or are interested in internal research and development might benefit from having dedicated staff. Furthermore, when seeking local experience or specialized abilities not found in an internal team, major companies use teams with particular expertise.

Hire dedicated development team in addition when:

  • When you need continuous support and maintenance for a long-term project.
  • When your project requires a high level of flexibility in terms of scaling resources up or down.
  • When you want direct control over the development process and team management.
  • When you need a team that is fully focused and dedicated to your project's success.
  • When you aim to reduce overhead costs associated with recruiting, training, and managing an in-house team.
  • When you want to streamline communication and collaboration within a cohesive team structure.
  • When your project has a dynamic scope that may evolve over time, requiring frequent adjustments to the team composition or skill sets.

When Should an Extended Team Model Be Hired?

Let's examine and get an understanding of when it's an ideal choice for hiring an extended team model.

To fill the gap in skills, a startup will look to expand its workforce. An expanded team of experts with expertise and in-depth understanding of the specific talents needed for the project is hired by the company. The enlarged team provides solutions that enable them to meet their objectives and improve their offering.

Mid-sized businesses need to recruit broadened teams in order to have more help. Under such circumstances, businesses search for extended teams that collaborate closely with internal teams, offering them cutting-edge features and high-caliber work. It's similar to bringing on another couple of individuals to follow the project completion.

The mega companies look for extended teams in order to reach their objective more quickly. Big businesses need expanded teams to provide creative ideas and talents to improve their projects because they have a lot of work to do. Additionally, it works better since internal team members are specialists in particular tasks and recruiting new hires requires a shorter amount of time.

Hire extended development team in addition when:

  • When you need to quickly expand your development capacity without investing in full-time employees.
  • When your project requires a diverse skill set that may not be available within your existing team.
  • When you want to maintain control over project management while leveraging external expertise.
  • When you prefer to augment your in-house team with external resources to meet specific project demands.
  • When you need to scale resources up or down based on project requirements without long-term commitments.
  • When you aim to increase productivity and efficiency by collaborating with a distributed team of experts.

Technology Innovations and Industry Changes in Team Models

One of the biggest changes in the IT outsourcing industries is the growth of hybrid team plans. Many businesses leverage the potential of dedicated external teams by combining in-house talent with everlasting professionals. Global firms are progressively retaining essential skills inside and gaining access to specialized expertise as and when needed, all thanks to the creative, adaptable strategy. It shows how the industry has formed and adapted remote work as a new trend and shift for team structures. For example, it's now simple to employ any freelancer around the world. Furthermore, when they re-invent working frameworks, cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and others are vital.

The growing acceptance of Agile Techniques in IT Outsourcing Models is one of the most evident trends. Whether you are employing a consultant or a dedicated group of employees makes no difference. Businesses are placing a strong emphasis on using agile approaches to improve responsiveness and adaptability.

With the rise in acceptance of remote work, data security has emerged as a major problem in the modern world. Employers who appoint extended and dedicated teams expect these groups to take proactive steps to safeguard this information. These measures include cybersecurity training, frequent security inspections, and access controls.


Both extended and dedicated teams have benefits. You can enhance your project by going through the comparison made in this blog article between an extended team and a dedicated team to assist you to make intelligent choices. Long-term initiatives benefit greatly from dedicated teams, while ongoing projects could be enhanced by expanded teams. But you also need to choose a team model that supports your objectives and adds a lot of value to your project or product.

Get in Touch with Budventure Technologies, if you want to stay modern and take benefit of all the perks of cutting-edge developments and trends. Our development team's years of expertise and in-depth knowledge can help you select the perfect team model. Additionally, you may engage our developers on an hourly, monthly, or fixed fee basis for projects with our productive team models.

FAQs on Selecting Dedicated Team or Extended Team

For your project, is it possible to put together a team that is both dedicated and extended?

Indeed, you may work on your project with both extended and dedicated teams at the same time. It is dependent upon the needs of your project, such as more specific responsibilities, areas of expertise, or particular features.

How can I select the best kind of team for the requirements of my project??

Take into account the following factors while selecting the team for your project:

  • Project goals
  • Level and qualifications of skills
  • Spending plan and commitment
  • Integration and control

What distinguishes the Dedicated Team Model from other models of hiring?

A dedicated team model offers more flexibility and control since it offers dedicated resources that are entirely focused on the success of your project, unlike other engagement models where resources may be divided across multiple initiatives.

How is my project benefiting from the Extended Team Model?

Benefits include cost-effective resource augmentation, quick scalability, access to a variety of skill sets, control over project management, shorter time-to-market, and making use of outside expertise.

How can I reach out to Budventure Technologies for recruiting team models and IT sourcing services?

You can get in touch with us by Filling This Form, or connecting with us via a brief email on our email address - support@budventure.technology

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